My son and daughter in Arizona.... Howling at the Moon....
Beth's Patio Chit Chat
Thursday, July 13, 2023
Less Drama
Sunday, June 25, 2023
A Winters Dream. A scrap page when I was on a creative digital team. Isn't this a pretty page?
Hello to all,
I didn't get a chance to get back yesterday but I tried....
I am going to be doing something different on my blog. I play a game with my grandson called The Universe and Everything Else. Shorter version is called Cue!
I love this game. I am not a good player just yet but I love collecting the game cards. So what I would like to do is share my number 1 cards that I am trying to collect. If I only have 1 card then those are the ones I want to show on my blog or the ones that I find extremely interesting.
Interesting indeed. I have learned so much about the topic of the card. Some history or fact on the back of the card. But I need to contact support to make sure that I can do this and give them the credit of course. I hope that they say yes. I have been trying to decide what I want to share first as I have topics from all over the world to show if I can. It will give me something new to write about as well.
We'll all of the neighbors have been very quiet. Not sure if they got noise complaints or what, but I have not even seen or heard them on the patio except once. That was the night that I got home from the hospital. In fact, I didn't see them at all for a few days. The night that I came home the elderly man was outside arguing as usual and he was loud but not screaming and he told the female that when he said Jump, he wants her to ask How High.... well, that comment fueled the argument but finally she went inside, and he couldn't yell at her lol.
I'm not sleeping well but I have so much to do chore wise. I am washing my clothing for the week and washing my bedding as well.
Karyn is coming today to spend the week, so I want her to sleep in a clean bed. I did a lot of towels and miscellaneous items that was just a few things.
I have to order myself some under clothing and some night gowns. I am out of things to wear and it is tiring to do multiple loads a week just to have clean clothes. I might just make a trip to Walmart and not have to wait on shipping.
It is 93 degrees today. I am not sure what the humidity is but it is hot and humid. The 7-day forecast says that June will reach the hottest temperature so far this year for the month of June.
The last day of June is supposed to be the hottest day of June. It is also Jonathan's birthday, so we don't have plans to get out and about. I want to take him out to dinner and then if possible and it isn't very hot then go see the fireworks. I have not been in years, and I would like to go. He may decide not to go though and I will stay in if he does.
Time to switch the laundry and I think that I might take a quick nap while I wait for Karyn to get here. She is coming to spend the week. She has to work in the office this week and I will have to try and adapt my sleeping schedule because I get up all hours of the night and the slightest noise will wake her up. Maybe it will be cool enough to sit outside and relax. Hopefully there will be no screaming arguments to force me inside lol.
Have a great one everyone and I will get back as soon as I can to maybe start my new blog project.
Take care everyone... BB
Friday, June 23, 2023
A Long ER Trip
This is one of my favorite scrapbooking kits called Arabian Nights. I have had a lot of fun with this kit. It is such a shame that digital scrapbooking is going by the wayside....
Well just as I said yesterday, the minute I laid down and got comfortable my doctor called me and she was sad to inform me that she is out of options and that I needed to go to the Emergency Room. So Jonathan took me and it was not a very good visit, but at least I was able to come home around 10 hours later!
My blood pressure was really high when I got there. Well not being able to hold down my blood pressure meds can do that. They gave me Zolfran for the nausea but it really didn't help but the good news is after a kidney scan I do not have a kidney stone. I tried to tell the doc that but he wanted to be sure and yep there is no stone. Just an infection but not of the kidney itself so it has to be somewhere else. I got home around 2:00 in the morning and I was so glad to get out of there!
One patient was so rude to the doctors and nurses and staff that they ended up calling in Security or the police. I am not sure which but they should have done it hours earlier instead of waiting for him to escalate his anger issues.
I have to finish this post a little later. i have a few things i have to take care of.
Thursday, June 22, 2023
All My Love
All My Love, a scrap page I made for one of my best friends scrapbooking kit. I was just learning how to scrap book so this was done probably around 2003 or around that time.
So, I may have to go into the hospital so if I am not posting then that is where I am and I will not take my laptop with me because it is not a good place to leave in case, I have to go have tests or ☓ rays so it is safer here at home.
I have a kidney infection. I went to have my labs done for an upcoming appointment with my kidney specialist and the urine culture came back positive for an infection.
I started a new antibiotic that looks promising to get rid of my super resistant bugs so I am not sure what, but I am not feeling any better and now I am running a temp and I called my doctor but so far I have not gotten a call back from her so I am not sure if I will hear back or not, but Jon wants to talk to her before we make a trip out to the ER.
So yesterday we got a good bit of rain. It made our day a little cooler, but the humidity is back up today with another heat index in triple digits as I figured would happen.
The most amazing thing, or it could be just stupidity but we had a group of guys playing volleyball and we had some wicked lightening, and they were still playing out in the open.
We had a couple of strikes that were bad and bright blue and still they played on. I am sure that the rain felt good, but I cannot believe they did not take shelter from the lightening.
Then again in triple digit heat why would you be wearing long sleeve sweats? Maybe they were trying to lose some weight or something, but for me I would have passed out from wearing that lol. I am hot natured anyway.
I am so done with the neighbors. Nothing new on that end, and my new upstairs neighbors are at this moment dropping something on the floor, but I am used to it by now. It is the others that I am not happy with. They are just ridiculous, arguing about a car this morning. Yes, they are so loud I can hear entire conversations, but I need to stay out with Foxy, so it isn't like I am trying to eavesdrop.
I just took Foxy out and the guy was yelling about how gross it was to watch a dog pee! Well Hell, don't look if your that squeamish and it bothers you to see a dog go pee.
I took some more Tylenol and my temp came down so I was able to take a shower and I feel so much better. I was able to eat a bit of Jello and I plan on laying down soon and see if I can sleep. It will be my luck that my doctor will choose to call me while I am resting but I will gladly take the call.
So until there is something else to write about I will close for now and try and rest. Have a great day to all.... BB
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
More Arguments
I am not sure when I did this scrap page. It looks like it was done with one of my creative team scrap kits, but since it was done before water marks were required with the date, I can only make a guess and I would say around 2013, but not sure.
Good Morning,
Yesterday I had a horrid day. I am not sure if it is the new antibiotic or what, but I was in a lot of pain for most of the day.
It was my fault mostly. I was feeling a bit nauseous so I didn't take my pain medication like I normally do. I have a fear of becoming addicted so if I don't need it then I will wait until a little later to take it and then the pain was overwhelming and I ended up groaning and moaning to the point that even Jon came out to check on me to see if I was alright.
And on top of that pain I had a splitting headache. And I was tired. Foxy kept me awake most of the night before and she was being a total butt. She kept crying and I realized she was wanting food, but she has gotten picky with her feed so I wouldn't give her anything else until morning but perhaps I should have. It is just too expensive to keep throwing out, so if she doesn't eat then she has to wait until breakfast.
Well she did wake me up this morning at 3 to go potty and the neighbors across from me are at it again. Not the elderly man this time but either the son or son in law and it was Amen, Amen, Amen all over again and he was screaming at 3 in the morning. He scared Foxy so bad that she rushed to potty and wanted back inside. I took her out about every hour or so and he was still screaming! He I think even woke up the toddler because he/she was screaming too.
This is getting old really fast. Jonathan said that he doesn't want to make a complaint because we don't know for sure if it would be confidential and he doesn't want trouble so I can respect that, but sheeesh! Total zero respect.
My headache is back so I am going to take some Tylenol and lay back down. I will try and update later on today! BB
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Another Week Has Flown By
My Little Monkey Damien. Halloween 2022
I hope that all are doing well. I guess that I am ok here. Just been busy with more doctors' appointments and last week and this week my potassium has been severely high, and my endocrinologist (Diabetes Specialist) office called me to tell me that it was very dangerous, and I already knew that it was dangerous, so she advised me to contact my primary care doctor who wrote me a prescription to help bring it down, but I had to hunt for a pharmacist that had enough of the medicine to fill.
Jonathan had to go clear across town to pick it up and I have had to have a series of more labs and then more labs. But one good thing is that while I was there, I was able to get the labs done for my kidney specialist so I could cancel the appointment on the 27th. I need to contact them and see if it is a telemedicine appointment or a in person appointment. I do like the video appointments. I can stay in my comfy clothes and don't have to leave the house.
Anyway last I heard, my potassium is still high but down to a better level. It is scary what can happen when some of our minerals our bodies need go to high or too low.
After the last day of the man, my neighbor screaming, he stopped. I think that they must have called someone to take him to the hospital.
It was really peaceful for a few days, but he is back home again, and he is slowly returning to his old ways but not nearly as bad as before.
It isn't even 10:00am yet and the heat is 95 degrees, and the humidity is 87%. We are supposed to hit 99 degrees today. I don't know if I will be able to sit outside for a few weeks as we are under heat advisories. I am worried that our a/c will stop working.
Have a great day to all and Be Blessed. My eyes are starting to water so I don't want to strain them. Take care and have a great rest of the week. BB
Monday, May 29, 2023
Memorial Day 2023
My brother James when he had Lung surgery.
This man in the pics above is my brother James. One before going into surgery and talking to the doctor and the other after they brought him out of recovery.
He had been exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam and had a couple different diseases. They had to remove a part of his lung. He was strong. He was able to sit up the next morning and even eat a few bites of food.
I miss him so much. I wish he was still with us. I was going to post a picture of him and my dad today but I couldn't find one on this laptop. I have them on my eternal hard drive and on my other laptop for sure.
So I found out that the blog post that I made yesterday did not post to this blog. It posted to my new blog, so here I am trying to correct my past mistake.
I have been in the hospital and have not been feeling well. I have had another UTI/Kidney infection and it was bad enough to toss my butt into the ER and then they decided to keep me, so I am getting better, but one theory is that I am having so may kidney infections is because the antibiotics are not clearing up my infections 100% and the ones, not even the ones they were treating me in the hospital with is geared towards clearing the infection. Some kind of bacteria that the scientists have been warning us about has taken aim at me and my surviving kidney so I see my urologist tomorrow if my ride transportation arrives to pick me up. If not then I will have to reschedule for next week sometime.
Steve the name of the book that I have been searching for is lost to my daughter and I. We think that the name of the book is called "The Levity Tree" about a tree that was happy and kept a kingdom happy until the tree became sad and the entire kingdom was crying and the tears threatening to flood the kingdom.
Since Laurie is almost 35 years old and she had this book in Kindergarten it is not a new book and we have tried searching for it, I even contacted the school at one point but no one remembers this little book. She loved it and so did I.
I would read it to her every time she was allowed to bring it home. One year she had pneumonia and was really sick and had to be in the hospital for almost a week and it was the only book that she wanted me to read to her.
As she grew older another favorite was The Box Car series. People who lived in old train box cars and the lessons that this tiny community of box car people taught people and how they helped the kids in the community. Great series. I just wish that I could remember the names and authors of these great books.
We are trying to build a home library for the kids and if the one about the levity rings a bell, I would sure appreciate it.
Well, I have discovered a few things about my neighbors. The older man's houseguest is obviously his daughter and there is a lot of loud yelling on their end.
Around daylight last week she said to him.... "I moved in Dad to help you, but if you continue to talk to me the way you do, I will leave and go right back to My house and My family, and you will be on your own".
He yelled and she said, "See this is what I am talking about". That woke the baby up and he yelled about that, and she was sure to point out the fact that since he was yelling, he was responsible for waking the baby up.
He is mad that she is pregnant. She said that at least she and her husband planned their family, and they were not surprises like so and so and asked if there was anything that made him happy. Apparently not.
He screams and drops a lot of F Bombs, and she gives about as good as she gets. I can understand her frustration, because he cusses like an old sailor but then starts singing the Gospel at the top of his lungs.
I just have to go back inside because it is too offensive, and I know that they can see me on my patio trying to enjoy my coffee. I found out so many things that I felt like I was eavesdropping, but not intentionally.
I was minding my own business and found out that he doesn't like her cooking and complains about every meal she cooks, and he makes messes and will not try to clean up knowing that she is pregnant and cannot do a lot of the bending and scrubbing and not to yell so much because it scares the child.
He is just grouchy. A Grouchy Old Man who is not a happy man! If he is I certainly haven't heard it, but one good thing is that he doesn't bring his television outside on the patio anymore, so I don't have to listen to that when I do get a chance to enjoy my patio.
The volleyball quart has been used all 3-day weekend. Even during the rain. They have been a pretty good group though. No one was obnoxious or rude or at all like that one group that comes here to play. In fact, I have not seen them at all since the beginning of the month.
Guess I will close for now because I need to get something for dinner and do the dishes. Karyn is coming Wednesday to spend a few days so I have wanted to do a few things here so I am doing little things here and there. Dishes are an all the time chore so that is one thing that I always have to do.
Take care and Stay Safe.... BB
Less Drama
My son and daughter in Arizona.... Howling at the Moon.... Hello, I have been pretty busy with doctor appointments but I seem to have a...

I bought this one..... Good Morning, I hope that everyone is doing well. I am ok. I had a rough night last night. My legs twitched a...
A page that I made back in 2015 from several free kits from friends. Hi, Just a quick post. I am very tired. I have been cleaning...
My son Matthew's truck a few weeks ago. Miracles do happen. Can you believe that anything actually survived this fire? Today Matt ...