This page was made using a kit from my sweet friend Kyra, I don't remember the name of this kit and I really hope that I have it backed up on my external hard drive, which I am pretty sure that I do. I just haven't had the time or felt up to looking thru my 100's of kits.
I am not exaggerating lol. I do have hundreds and on top of the kits that I have I also have a whole lot of Quick pages from Miss Edna and then the freebies and the kits from my private group. LOL I could keep going but I am sure that you understand that I really do love digital scrapbooking.
Hello and Happy Thursday!
It is almost the weekend. We just haven't got to it quiet yet. I don't have any plans for the weekend since this Corona virus has gotten everyone in my household staying home except for when they have to go out for groceries or for work or to take me to a doctor appointment we just stay home.
We are all a bit stir crazy and it is beginning to show because the boys and I had a pretty bad argument tonight. Actually it was last night as it is after 3 in the morning here.
I had 2 doctor appointments and the car started over heating and we barely made it to my clinic and Jonathan pulled into the parking lot and put the car in park when it died.
Well that was nerve wracking for me and I know he was upset because this car has been in the shop more than in our driveway.
It had to be towed to the repair shop and we had to Uber home. Another expense and Jonathan and Nathan are dipping into their savings now.
Nathan bought this car from his manager at his work. Nathan has had to learn a hard lesson the hard way.
Don't buy anything from people you work with, especially your supervisor/manager that makes sure you get the hours you need at work. Piss him off and he can cut your hours or make your job really difficult or buy anything from your friends and family.
Friends turn out not to be great friends in the end of a bad sale of what ever it is your buying and family.... sheesh family can be a nightmare.
As a family it is already hard to keep the peace and buying things from family members can stir up a whole helluva lot of DRAMA all by themselves without adding buying something from family. Something is always misunderstood at the end of the day. AND the most important thing of all is... Get it written down on paper. That way there is no misunderstandings.
Back to my doctor appointments. I had to go and see my endocrinologists today so she could scan my reader for my blood sugars to see how this infusion pump is doing. It is working beautifully. My blood sugar is leveling out and I was taking 6 units of insulin at meals 3 times a day. Well I am happy to report that since it is working so nicely I only have to take 5 units now. This is such wonderful news for me.
She checked my blood pressure and it was low. Not really bad but unusual for me. It is usually a bit on the high side but nothing to worry about.
When we left there and headed to my primary care doctors office that is when the car started to overheat. There really wasn't a place to pull over and we were just 2 red/greenlights from where we needed to be so Jonathan made the decision to try and get there and we did.
Jonathan stayed with the car so he could call a towing company and I went on to the front to let them know I was there.
It was hot as blazes too and we still are being seen curbside so Gabriel and Alan, 2 of my favorite people came out to take my temp and blood pressure.
Alan asked me if I had to walk very far and I shook my head and said No, we are parked around the shady side of the building. Gabriel had gone to help someone else and Alan said I will be right back and he was. He brought me a bottle of water and said my blood pressure was very low.
I have been very very tired for the last week or so. Not a normal tired but a drained tired. So tired that I haven't wanted to do much of anything.
Alan said that my doctor was coming out to talk to me but for me to just sit back and relax and drink the water.
My doctor came right out and she was really concerned with my blood pressure being so low. She asked me if I remembered how I felt at my last visit last week and I said I wasn't feeling good but I blamed it on the UTI that I had and she agreed that would make me uncomfortable.
She told me to stop the water pill that I am taking because it was probably dehydrating me and I not realize it and it was more than likely the cause of my low blood pressure.
By the time that they rechecked my blood pressure it had come up just enough that I could leave.
The timing was just right because our Uber had arrived. I still felt really drained I nodded off on the ride home. I got a nice little cat map. When we got home I decided I needed to rest. So I put on a comfy nightie and laid down. I didn't sleep but I rested.
I called Matt but he didn't answer so I figured he must be busy. He called me back about a half hour later and we talked for a little while and he said he had to finish tarping his load and then he was headed to Tennessee. He said he wished I could go with him and to schedule my doctor appointments for August and reschedule the ones in September for August. I have only one so I can move it to the last week of August. He wants to pick me up and take me with him on the truck.
Oh that is something that I would really enjoy but I don't think that I will go anywhere as long as we are still battling the Covid19 virus.
It would be nice to be able to go with him but I have to be realistic.
Matthew lives in Salt Lake City Utah now. He wants me to see where he lives and spend time with me and that warms my heart.
After we hung up I remembered what Nathan said to Matt about not having the money to keep taking Ubers to get to and from work.
I walked into the kitchen on my way to the garage and I passed Nathan at the computer and I put my hand on his shoulder and he really got upset.
Obviously I startled him and he was in the middle of a game and he lost the fight that he was in.
I apologized and said that I was sorry and he wanted to know what I wanted that was so important that I interrupted him for.
I told him that I over heard what he said to Matthew and that I had a little money in my savings if he needed it to get to work tomorrow.
Well that set off a huge argument. Jonathan came to see what was going on with me and Nathan and they both just hurt my feelings really bad I started crying.
Nathan said that he didn't need my money and Jonathan said that I am on Social Security and that I can't assist others because I am the one that needs assistance and that they are grown men and can solve their own problems.
I just need to take care of myself and not worry about them.
Damn what ever happened to thoughtfulness, kindness, offering to help?
This entire argument didn't have to blow up the way it did. Why couldn't Nathan just say Thank you mom for offering but I got it covered.
He said that he was pissed off because he had worked hard in his game and that I caused him to lose. REALLY?????
Well that is the last argument that we will ever have about me offering my help no matter what it is.
If they need anything at all no matter how small it is they better ask someone else to pass the salt so to speak.
They want to treat me as if I am not capable of any kind of help so be it.
Jonathan and I used to do something together every Sunday. We would rent a movie or go to "Our Place" that we said would be our Mom and Son place to eat, we would have a date (Grin). We haven't been able to go and do the little things that we did on Sundays out of abundance of caution for the both of us being at risk of getting sick.
So yeah I think that a lot of this argument has to do with us being together a little too much. Unless we go to our rooms and stay there we are bound to get on each others nerves but still the way this argument started and the reason why it started is just crazy but this time around I am not going to forget the harsh words we all said.
Enough of my rambling, I am going to bed. It is almost 6 in the morning. I have been doing a bit of cleaning I haven't done this week.
Today is garbage day so I spent time cleaning portions of the fridge and gathering up old sales papers and also I put a load of towels in the washer and with that much done I am going to sleep. I feel like my eyes are going to shut any time now so I will post again soon to tell you what I am working on. Until next time take care of yourselves... Hugs, BB