I made this scrap page for my sister Linda on her last cruise. I also made one for Kay but not sure if she was on this trip or not, but I think so. I will have to look further and I now will have more scrap pages to make as they take photos and send to me!
I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend. Jonathan and I just plan to stay in. He has to work tomorrow, so I have to plan a grocery list for our Sunday shopping trip. He will probably go alone as I am trying to stay away from crowds. A nasty stomach bug is going around and with my luck I am afraid of catching it. So staying home will be just fine with me.
I had a eye injection yesterday so I didn't get to work on my blog. I felt like going out with Laurie yesterday evening while she paid some bills but I stayed in the car while she took care of her business. It wasn't a long outing as my eye was starting to hurt and she brought me home and I laid down. Today it felt much better but hard to see so excuse any errors please.
Sunday my sister and Kay are boarding their ship to go to Mexico, Grand Caymen Islands and Honduras. I know that they will have a wonderful time. They want me to go on the next cruise but I just don't know because of my shellfish allergy. The ports have live seafood and I worry that Benadryl would not be enough to deter my allergy. I don't worry so much as I can stay away from seafood on the ship, but I don't think that I can get away with going off ship. Besides Benadryl knocks me out!
Something bit me on the upper ear lobe. Laurie said yesterday that it looks like 3 tiny bites. They are sore, not itchy so I don't think that Foxy has any fleas. I check her often and Jonathan brushes her nearly every day and he checks her as well. A couple of weeks ago I killed 2 itty bitty spiders. I am wondering if maybe that is what bit me.
Well, the mystery box appeared! Apparently, they were delivered to the Parcel mail. The office notified Jonathan of a fee for the packages that were not collected. How they cannot notify you if you have a package, but they can sure notify you to tell you that you owe a fee is just wrong. I don't know what the fee will be until Jon gets our rent statement, but I will of course pay the fee, but I will not have anything else delivered here. Instead, I will just send it to Karyn's address and she can bring it to me when she comes down.
Karyn will be coming Sunday. Her work computer is having some issues and they are going to have to send it to the IT guys and hopefully will just issue her a new laptop. She has had problems with it several times so I am not sure what is going on with it.
News is in pretty short supply on this end. I think that I am going to call it a early night and get some sleep. Have a awesome weekend and stay safe. BB