Friday, April 22, 2022

It's 2 In The Morning


 Is It A Bird, A Plane Or??? If you can zoom in maybe you can see it. That tiny black dot is actually a Drone! I have tried cropping it but this crazy laptop editing program sucks. I truly hate this laptop and as soon as I possibly can I am going to buy me another one!

Good morning,

 It is just after 2:00am here. I need to sleep but I am ok and awake for now so maybe I will finally get this blog post done.

 I have been trying off and on since Easter night to sit down and write but the harder I try, the farther behind I get. Do you ever have days that the harder that you try to get something done, it is just impossible? That has been me since I got out of the hospital. I have doctor appointments and a crazy issue about that, and then I have had RN's here to work on our schedule. We finally agreed that Wednesday mornings were best, so now from 9-10 am I will have a weekly visit. It will be the same RN most every week. but this is just for a month. We are still working on some other things, but the Physical Therapist came yesterday, and he said "Wow you weren't lying about getting around good. I would say that your definitely beyond good and doing Excellent." So he said that I didn't need his services and I laughed and said "I told you."  I understand tho, they get referrals from the doctors and they don't really know how a person is doing if they don't see them for themselves.

 I ordered some things from and I am very upset with them because my orders have never shown up. I was supposed to have gotten a delivery on the 19th, the 20th and on the 22nd but I didn't get the first two packages that were supposed to be delivered so I called them today to see what was going on and they said "Your packages were delivered at your door." So that went around and around and finally I said, "What do you not understand Mam? I am calling you to tell you that I have not received any of the packages that were supposed to be here on the 19th, and 20th and if they were delivered, then it was at someone else's apartment and not MINE. Thank you for your time, I now want to speak to your supervisor, but before you transfer me, I want a supervisor that is fluent in speaking English." 

 These companies need to hire English speaking people. I am not a racist person, but it is very hard for me to understand people in these call centers that are from different countries. Anyway I did get a person I could communicate with and they asked me to wait another 24 hours to see if the packages will be delivered and if not then they will either replace my entire order or they will refund my money back to my account. 

 I am also having an issue with Amazon. I ordered a package of crochet hooks and when I got them, the small hook at the end of each hook was dull and jagged. They were tearing up my yarn and so I called them, and they sent me a label to return them. They have gotten my return, but I haven't gotten my new set of crochet hooks. I sent them back right before I went into the hospital and Jonathan and Karyn both said they never received a package for me. Amazon is usually really good about knocking on the door when I have a package. 

 So now that I am done whining, I will tell you the story of the drone. Yesterday I was out back when this little boy struck up a conversation with me. He said that he was physic and could tell me what I was thinking. Oh, we had great fun with this game and this kid was amazingly good at guessing things from what I was afraid of the most to numbers I was thinking etc...  A little while later 2 other boys came running up and were yelling and talking so fast and pointing to the sky. One boy said "Look man!, it is your dad." They were so excited and the older boy said.. "That's my dad and his drone." 

 I thought that they were pulling my leg, but their mom came out and was talking to the boys and said "Yes she saw Dad's drone and finally relented in letting the boys have 10 more minutes before coming in.

 It is actually a little smaller than a helicopter and I tried to video it but I wasn't having much luck so I decided to snap some shots. the ones I zoomed in came out really blurry so I tried to crop these but I will have to do it on my other laptop because this one is not editing friendly.

 It was so amazing to watch. It flew side to side, up down, hovered over our apartment in spaces where the boys were hooping and hollering and waving their arms, jumping up and down. The last thing that it did before taking off faster than lightening was dipping really low and turned sideways. It was like watching someone on a roller coaster. 

 I had never seen one before and it was a great experience. I was impressed and all 3 boys said they would come visit me again. So I will have to get some little treats to keep on hand. 

 We had a really nice Easter, and it was great to see the kids. It was just hot here. 94F and we wrapped it all up early. I was so exhausted after it was all over that I think that I am still recovering lol.

 I am going to close and get some sleep, so have a great day and take care of yourself. BB

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