These are the last of the scrap pages done in 2017. Today I will close this folder and upload it to my external hard drive and open a new one for 2018. I actually have several that I need to close and make new folders for. I had a lot of fun making these pages and I hope that you enjoy them as well.
I have my phone back on, but only for a little while. As soon as we can, Karyn and I are going to get off of that girls family plan and get our own. No sense in paying someone else's bill when sometimes it is hard enough for us to pay our own. I told my daughter last year that we needed to get off the plan. So we are in agreement of getting our own. I hope that I can keep my number as I have so many doctor's that I would have to notify and that is such a pain to do. Now days tho it is pretty simple to keep your phone number.
I came down with a slight cold. I hope that it stays that way, but just didn't have the energy to do much of anything. But I did want to update my blog and this is the last chance before tomorrow to do so.
I am going to try and do something different here and share an article from the History Channel. I do not remember these vending machines but I bet a lot of people do. Sometimes I really think that progress isn't one of the greatest things as I would have loved to have seen or used this....
A whisky vending machine? Those were the days! This particular machine is from a vending machine trade fair and the woman in the images, is about to enjoy a whisky and soda. The vending machine was in its heyday in the early 1960s and you could buy a surprising number of items by putting your change in the slot. Fruit, both fresh and canned, could be purchased this way as well as nylons, potatoes, clocks, and soup were some of the items on offer. This particular machine mixed whisky, water and soda when a person inserted 2 shillings and sixpence. How much is that now? Around £5.78 or $7.81. An interesting fact about this machine? It complied with local liquor laws and had a time switch which locked it automatically to conform with licensing hours.
This is pretty awesome don't you think? Maybe not for the liquor but for other things. I remember here growing up we had such crazy Blue Laws. If you needed a pair of new stockings for Church on Sunday, then you had better buy them on Saturday because it was against the law here in Texas to sell Nylons on Sunday! Now isn't that crazy? And there was a whole lot of them as well.
Today we still have them but they are not enforced the way they were in the 70's.
Anyway just sharing a bit of history. I hope you enjoy the article.
I am going to try and make a Black Eyed Pea salad for tomorrow. I shared a recipe on FB but I make mine a bit different. Instead of the vinegar and such I just use a bottle of Italian dressing. It gives it a good flavor.
Everyone I know has come down with this wicked flu. I have been exposed to it and sure hope that the sniffles I have is just the sniffles. I have already had my flu shot and the flu this year. I got the flu but it was a different strain than the one I had the shot for so let me hope that what ever is going around this time is what I have had in my flu shot and it passes me by.
My sister Sharon is very sick, my son Matthew is much better thankfully but he was really sick. My friend Patsy, her husband, 2 sons and granddaughter have all been ill with it.
I have been taking my vitamins and extra vitamin C so I am hoping that it passes me by. I am also a big believer in keeping my hands washed too.
I slept really late today. It was almost 2:00pm when I got up. I know that it is my new medication that is doing this to me. It will take time for my body to get adjusted to it. But that is really too much sleep. I did wake up at 6:30 this morning, I got up and went to the bathroom. Started to make coffee but Cisco was wanting up in bed with me so I picked him up and laid down for a quick cuddle and the both of us went back to sleep.
My son Jonathan said that he came in to wake me up but we looked so peaceful spooned and curled up around each other that he didn't have the heart to wake us up. Tonight I am going to cut the new meds in half so that perhaps I don't sleep as long.
Jonathan and I are in the need of going to the grocery store so I will talk to you again next year... in 2018... Have an awesome evening to all and please be careful if you are out celebrating this evening.... Hugs to all.... BB