Saturday, September 14, 2019

Computer Is Down

 I'm sick and I had to shut my computer down because I am not able to do the big update right now.
 I'm pretty sick but doctor said it is viral but having trouble breathing because it's going into my lungs. I see my doctor again Monday.
 Other stuff is going on right now  but I don't have the energy to go into it so I will wait until I feel better and I will share what I can.
 Please don't give up on me. I miss blogging but really sorry I just can't right now.
 Blessed Be every one. BB


  1. Get better soon Beth. It's not good to be this sick for this long. I'll chat with you later. Woofs from Pogo. Hugs, Edna B.

  2. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon. It's a drag that both you AND your computer are sick!

  3. Thinking if you, friend. Hope you’re on the mend by now and that everything else is settling down too.


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