Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Hello This Wednesday


My daughter in law and Alex getting ready for a pillow fight! That is always a lot of fun to wear off some excessive energy before bed time.

 Good Morning, 

 At least for a little while longer. I should be on the phone making the last call on my to do list. I just don't want to but it is a important call to my pain clinic and I really should not put it off but I am just drained today. I also feel like a cold is coming on and I am trying to shake it.

 Yesterday I had a medical evaluation regarding my medication and spoke to the pharmacist for my yearly review to go over all of my medication. I am taking a injection twice a month and it is for my cholesterol. For the first time ever my cholesterol is NORMAL. Actually, it is a few points below normal. 

 The side effects are nothing other than to watch out for redness at the injection site. Jon gives it to me in my abdomen and it does hurt for about 10-15 seconds, and we are careful not to use the same site, so we alternate.

 Anyway, another side effect is feeling like a flu/cold, symptoms that usually go away with time. I have never felt that way with the injections. She said that the side effects usually come on pretty fast, like a day or so. But I wonder if I should take the injection if I feel like I am getting a cold? That is another question I will have Jon ask the pharmacist when he picks up my medication.

The other news and I am not sure if I said anything about it in my last blog post, but I was able to get the insurance plan that I had before I moved to Reno. The plan I had in Reno was with the same company Blue Cross and Blue Shield, so it made the transition easier. 

 I made chicken fried steaks, skillet potatoes, fresh spinach and yeast rolls for dinner last night. Jonathan was a happy guy because one he didn't have to cook and two, he enjoyed the meal. So did Foxy. She got a couple of bites from me and Jonathan lol.

 I finished the anime that I was watching. It was sad but in a good way. Now I am going to watch another one but not sure which one. I have started a couple just to see if I liked it and will probably start one tonight. It depends on how I feel. I might just go to bed and read.

 Our smoke alarm went off again last night around midnight and woke me up and Foxy was actually wired up and wouldn't lay back down and then she went into the bathroom and the light from the bathroom shines right into my face. I try to keep the door pulled shut but to where she can still get in if she needs to go pee pee. The interruption's means that it is really hard to go back to sleep and I am just tired when I wake up. I guess we need to call the office again for another work order. I also put a night light on the grocery list.

 I am going to close and lay down for at least an hour. Take care everyone and I will talk to you later. Stay Safe. BB

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