Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Wednesday Blues... Maybe Not!

Another photo from Photo Lab….. My little Foxy. I have the perfect kit to use this photo with.

 Would you look at my little Foxy laying up on my pillows like a Diva!!! Isn't she just beautiful? I just love my little girl. She's so sweet as long as attention is focused on her.

 So What I have been up too? Not much and everything. In between my neck hurting and the medication I have been yawning my way thru the days. I am so sleepy but I can't rest at night and I can't afford to nap during the day so when my body knocks out I am down and out for a long time. Up long enough for breakfast and insulin and morning meds and sleep again. It's not an ideal situation but I really just do the best I can and hope for the best all around.

I finished my book and it was so good. It lost it's funny part when it started getting serious but it did have a pretty good ending. I wish it had a different ending but I am not the author, just the reader. Still it ended alright but just not the way I was hoping. Oh Well.

 This afternoon Nathan came to my room and said "Mama come quick" so I jumped up and followed him and he opened the patio curtains and door... Rain... Beautiful rain... Oh and it was so pretty with these huge white and  dark bluish gray puffy clouds with the sun light shining thru leaving the clouds looking misty and silver and the rain drops a darker color... and the sound... it was hitting the metal awning. Music to my ears.
 I know why he said come quick because soon it was over. Now all that is left is the sticky mugginess. But for a brief 10 minutes it was beautiful and all of the plants and critters were able to have a drink.

 We almost missed garbage night so I went into the kitchen to refill my glass and seen it and said... "Garbage night" so the boys bustled to it and got it out. Yay for them. It wasn't much but I like to get it out all of the time and not miss a night. I can't share my house with little critters of the yuck kind. No thank you.

 Karyn isn't feeling well and I worry about her. I wish that she would go for a check up but since she isn't due for her yearly until November she doesn't want to pay the huge co-pay for an office visit. If it is an emergency they will only charge her a small co-pay but I want her to get in for a regular check up. She is always sick to her stomach. I wonder if this dang job she is doing isn't giving her an ulcer. So much stress related. 

 My sister and I had our mammograms done a day apart. Both of ours came back abnormal and we both had to go in for more testing. Mine came back alright but not hers. They got her right in for a biopsy and thankfully it was benign It was the same breast that she had cancer in 14 years ago so we were worried and really relieved when it came back nothing to worry about. We have so much cervical and breast cancer on our side of the family so we take care of our yearly check ups and screenings. It is important to do that for yourself and FIGHT with your doctors if they try and talk you out of it. My sister is 73 and she refused to listen to her doctor 2 years ago tell her she didn't have to have them done anymore. Just goes to show you that they found something and it turned out alright but it could have turned out badly as well.

 Well even this short time has started my neck to hurt so I am going to close. Hopefully I will be back tomorrow. I don't have anything to do..... Take care of yourself... BB

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