New Beginnings, kit from Rosie H
I hope that this Saturday afternoon finds you doing something fantastic and joyful.
For me it is bittersweet. We have sunshine but it is going behind the clouds on and off and we have wind.
I stood out on the patio today and closed my eyes as the sunshine fell onto my face and the wind flew thru my body and caressed my skin. It was wonderful and brief. The clouds started forming then the sky became a slate gray and I went inside.
Not long after the sunshine peeked out again so I was in and out enjoying the day until lunch time and I decided to work on my blog so here I am.
The bittersweet is that my son Matthew caught a plane at 6:10am to Reno Nevada. I know that he needs to be close to his children and I really hope that this is a good move for him. My heart breaks for this Man/Child of mine. I know he is a grown man, but he is still my child and I worry about him.
I worry about all of my children. That is what a mom does I suppose.
I decided to make a page today. I want to get back into scrapbooking but I am going slow at the moment. It will be easier since I have the living room back. I didn't want to disturb Matthew while he was sleeping and folks let me tell you... my son went to bed at 8:00pm and was asleep by 8:01pm I kid you not. He could roll over and close his eyes and sleep like a baby. He was an early riser. He would get up early and start helping by making sure things were done before I got up.
I appreciated all that he did. I will miss him terribly as well. But I know that he misses his children as much as I miss mine when they are not close to me but that is a part of life.
My friend Patsy is at her church Bible Retreat. I can't think of the name of the town but it is slightly north of where she lives. I know that she is having a fun time. We were chatting a few minutes on messenger last night instead of our usual phone calls because her roommate was already sleeping but we still giggled over things like little girls. She is so funny that she makes me laugh so much.
She said the food was so delicious that she was stuffed and then sent me a sticker of a guy with a fork and knife over his plate and then another one of a stuffed person who ate too much... They were so funny. She has such a happy heart and sweet spirit. I am so lucky to have the people in my life that have filled a deep void in my own soul.
Miss Edna is the best friend in the realm of Beth's world. I love her and I am amazed at all that she has accomplished in her life. She is this type of person that fills up my heart.
I rarely use the word "Best Friend" because how can you choose more than one to be a best friend. That was in my early days when I had friends in my life that numbered more than I can say.
But Miss Edna is a Best Friend to me. Really she is more than a Best Friend to me. She is family in the real sense of the word. I always call her just to listen to her speak. She is one in a million and I love her more than I can say.
I can call Miss Edna and ask her a million questions or I can just ask her for advice or for her to tell me a story... something just clicked with Miss Edna and I.
I am so blessed to have her in my life and I am so happy I stumbled across her blog.
Oh and Pogo... My little buddy.. I have missed those sweet cuddles and kisses. He forgets me but it doesn't take long for him to remember me when we see each other. I cannot wait for cuddles and kisses. They may be short and sweet but I love them.
Patsy is also a Best Friend. She and I have been friends for a long time. She remembers our Friends Anniversary every year haha... Yeah I know. I never remember the date but she does!
I love Patsy like a sister because in some ways she and I both have experienced lack of sisters. Sometimes she needs the support of her sisters and they are not there for her, (Like Me I Guess) and she will call me or vice versa. I call her too when my family isn't available to share things that we can share as sisters.
Patsy and I both have chronic illness's. She has a disease that is very horrible and how she does what she does takes such strength.
We both have this sleep thing. For both of us, if we are having a busy day or a busy couple of days then we just crash the next day.
Mine is due to the exertion that I get when I am having a really good day I get super busy. I clean, cook, work in the yard and a ton of other things because I never know from one day to the next if I will be hit with a Fibromyalgia flare up.
Since I have started this medication about 4 years ago I haven't had a really bad attack in almost 2 years now and about 4 months ago I was feeling like my medication needed to be adjusted because I was having problems with pain in my elbows and really all of my joints and skin feeling like needles poking me or a feeling like I had a run in with a cactus. She left me on my medication and added Lyrica. It has really helped me a lot.
I found this on the web one day and it really fits all of us who has this chronic illness.
Yep this is just how I feel. About 7 or 8 years ago I woke up during the night crying. My skin was on fire with stabbing hot pricks that felt like needles. I had a red rash and every joint felt on fire.
My boyfriend drew me a warm bath and that didn't help so around dawn he carried me to the emergency room. They just said it was probably a reaction and gave me a shot and something for pain and sent me home.
Looking back I now know that this was my introduction to Fibromyalgia. I lived with this horrible pain until about 4 years ago. Maybe 5 now.
I went to see my internal medicine doctor and she said... "Have you ever been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia."
Oh the head disease I thought. I had always heard that it was always in your head.
She said that I should see a pain management doctor. I left her office thinking that I needed a second opinion.
As luck would have it or fate, what ever before my next appointment the insurance company that I had at the time informed me that they were dropping my clinic and the hospital. So I had to find a new doctor.
Anyway I ended up changing my insurance because it was just better coverage and just a better choice.
At my first appointment I did not mention what the other doctor had said about Fibromyalgia. Truthfully I had just forgot about it. At my first appointment they do what they call a new patient annual physical. He told me that he was sending me to a Rheumatologist.
When I went to see him I asked him if he had my records and he said not yet actually. I sent for them again this morning and I should have them by the end of the day.
Oh wow I really loved this guy. He was so awesome to me. I sure missed him when he left the clinic but he really had a job offer to good to refuse...
But he said... I am going to order a series of blood work and some x-rays. I have a feeling that you have Fibromyalgia.
So okay... And when my blood work came back he confirmed it. He also had me choose a pain management program.
My pain management team is really awesome. I cannot say enough good things about them. They are on top of their game and they don't have a time period for an office visit. Most give you 15 minutes and they are done. But not my doctors at the pain clinic.
The head doctor of the clinic and I shared the same birthday. I saw him just after our birthday. He told me not to leave without getting a piece of birthday cake. Well I walked right out and forgot about it because I had to see him first and Cathy after I saw him.
A week later I received a text message saying he had passed away and time and date for his memorial service.
Oh I was so heartbroken.
Anyway I don't know how this got so long but I better get off and figure out what we are doing for dinner tonight and a few other small things I need to do, but nothing big. Nope this is a lazy day.
I have a couple of funnies to share with you. I hope that they will bring a smile to your face!!! Have a great weekend and take special care of yourself..... BB
Found on the internet...
All from the internet... have a great day... BB