This is the photo I chose for Cisco's memory card. Rest in Peace my sweet Cisco. Your very much loved...
My Cisco left us yesterday morning. It is so hard to lose a fur baby and a good friend.
Yesterday morning Karyn woke me and said that Cisco was shaking and was in bad shape. By the time I got into the kitchen he couldn't get up. The kids had called my son Matthew to come so we could take him to the vet. Matthew arrived in minutes. Cisco looked up at me, barely wagged his tail and took his last breath.
Ohhhh this hurts.... It is and has been awful. We had so many decisions to make but couldn't make them until Jonathan got home. I cannot remember if Matthew had made it to say goodbye, I think that he did but don't remember.
I sat in the living room chair and insisted upon holding him. The boys said No Mom but I said, I want to hold him.
So they put him in my arms and rocked him. It happened so fast. My heart is just broken. My son called one of his friends to see about burying him on his property but the man told Nathan that he knew of something better. Chances were Coyotes would dig him up and we shuddered at that thought. A Pet Cemetery was totally ridiculous in their prices.
Here is who we went with.
I know it is a bit crooked but this one was hard to crop from where I had it.
This is the back of the card.
This is called Alkaline Hydrolysis. It is easier and eco friendly. His remains will be ready Tuesday Morning. We are going to have his ashes spread in the garden there. I had thought of an urn but Jonathan said he would like to have his ashes spread so that he is free.
It was so hard to say goodbye to him when the lady came to take him. She had such a sweet spirit about her and the way she stroked him told me that Cisco would be cared for.
She held me while I cried. I couldn't help but break down. She asked me if I had any special requests, but I couldn't think of anything because he was what was special to me.
Nathan carried him out to the car as we finally said our goodbyes. I walked out to the patio and stayed there until they were out of site. Jonathan and Nathan and I all held each other and cried.
Last night was not easy. Karyn came over and picked up all of his toys for me and put them away. The people upstairs have a new dog, and they say she is just beautiful. I thought that I would take his milk bones up stairs for their dog. I have thought I would donate them but the box is open and they will not take them if they are not sealed. So I have kept the ones from his bowl. I have some of my favorite photos to share. I know you have probably seen them before but these bring special memories.
He loved receiving gifts from Miss Edna. He always knew that when a box arrived that it was for him. He is checking out the box holding his new bed from Miss Edna.
He didn't even wait to see what was in the other box.... He knew exactly what this was for... I barely got it out of the box and plastic. He curled right up in it....
This past Christmas..... December 2017.... In his bead with his new blanket from Miss Edna and toy from Pogo among another toy from Jonathan. I am sure he has a bone in there too. He would save them sometimes for a midnight snack... lol.
Our good night cuddles. He was always snuggling up at night. This is a selfie of me and Cisco saying goodnight. This was a ritual that he and I always had. He loved his snuggles. Most of the time he would endure his loving's and then go to his bed. But on some nights he slept with me and I would wake up to good morning kisses. Precious Moments....
He died on Good Friday. The Lord took him from his pain. Still I am selfish and want him here with me. Is that wrong? I know that he is not in pain now and for that I am thankful but it is so hard.
Jonathan wanted to take his ashes to the family farm but he decided against it as it is so far away. At least Cisco is close by and we can go to the pet garden any time we want to.
Matthew woke me up with kisses and cuddles this morning. He had made me a pot of coffee and then he, Karyn, and Nathan gave me a beautiful card and a candle. We are going to light it tomorrow for him.
I am sorry but I just can't write anymore thru the tears.
I wish everyone a wonderful Easter.... Be Blessed......... BB