Saturday, March 31, 2018

Cisco and Good Friday

This is the photo I chose for Cisco's memory card. Rest in Peace my sweet Cisco. Your very much loved...

 My Cisco left us yesterday morning. It is so hard to lose a fur baby and a good friend. 
 Yesterday morning Karyn woke me and said that Cisco was shaking and was in bad shape. By the time I got into the kitchen he couldn't get up. The kids had called my son Matthew to come so we could take him to the vet. Matthew arrived in minutes. Cisco looked up at me, barely wagged his tail and took his last breath.
 Ohhhh this hurts.... It is and has been awful. We had so many decisions to make but couldn't make them until Jonathan got home. I cannot remember if Matthew had made it to say goodbye, I think that he did but don't remember.
 I sat in the living room chair and insisted upon holding him. The boys said No Mom but I said, I want to hold him. 
 So they put him in my arms and  rocked him. It happened so fast. My heart is just broken. My son called one of his friends to see about burying him on his property but the man told Nathan that he knew of something better. Chances were Coyotes would dig him up and we shuddered at that thought. A Pet Cemetery was totally ridiculous in their prices. 

 Here is who we went with.

I know it is a bit crooked but this one was hard to crop from where I had it.

This is the back of the card.
This is called Alkaline Hydrolysis. It is easier and eco friendly. His remains will be ready Tuesday Morning. We are going to have his ashes spread in the garden there. I had thought of an urn but Jonathan said he would like to have his ashes spread so that he is free.
 It was so hard to say goodbye to him when the lady came to take him. She had such a sweet spirit about her and the way she stroked him told me that Cisco would be cared for. 
 She held me while I cried. I couldn't help but break down. She asked me if I had any special requests, but I couldn't think of anything because he was what was special to me. 
 Nathan carried him out to the car as we finally said our goodbyes. I walked out to the patio and stayed there until they were out of site. Jonathan and Nathan and I all held each other and cried. 
 Last night was not easy. Karyn came over and picked up all of his toys for me and put them away. The people upstairs have a new dog, and they say she is just beautiful. I thought that I would take his milk bones up stairs for their dog. I have thought I would donate them but the box is open and they will not take them if they are not sealed. So I have kept the ones from his bowl. I have some of my favorite photos to share. I know you have probably seen them before but these bring special memories.

He loved receiving gifts from Miss Edna. He always knew that when a box arrived that it was for him. He is checking out the box holding his new bed from Miss Edna.

He didn't even wait to see what was in the other box.... He knew exactly what this was for... I barely got it out of the box and plastic. He curled right up in it....

This past Christmas..... December 2017.... In his bead with his new blanket from Miss Edna and toy from Pogo among another toy from Jonathan. I am sure he has a bone in there too. He would save them sometimes for a midnight snack... lol.

Our good night cuddles. He was always snuggling up at night. This is  a selfie of me and Cisco saying goodnight. This was a ritual that he and I always had. He loved his snuggles. Most of the time he would endure his loving's and then go to his bed. But on some nights he slept with me and I would wake up to good morning kisses. Precious Moments....

 He died on Good Friday. The Lord took him from his pain. Still I am selfish and want him here with me. Is that wrong? I know that he is not in pain now and for that I am thankful but it is so hard. 

 Jonathan wanted to take his ashes to the family farm but he decided against it as it is so far away. At least Cisco is close by and we can go to the pet garden any time we want to. 

 Matthew woke me up with kisses and cuddles this morning. He had made me a pot of coffee and then he, Karyn, and Nathan gave me a beautiful card and a candle. We are going to light it tomorrow for him. 

 I am sorry but I just can't write anymore thru the tears. 
 I wish everyone a wonderful Easter.... Be Blessed......... BB

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Thursday And Busy

Celtic Dream, kit designed by my friend Rosie and given to our private group. I have permission to use the photo from a friend of mine. Thank you for looking.

Hello and good afternoon,
 It is just past noon here. I have discovered that I have appointments coming up so I spent some time scheduling 2 of the transportation rides. I still have a few more to go but I need to get the phone numbers and addresses to make those appointments. I thought that I had everything in order but when it came time to schedule the 3rd appointment I realized I had the wrong notebook... Grrrr. 

 I made the frame for this page. It is actually an element of the sun, so I took it and enlarged it then I used another frame and inserted it, the white/blue is also a small element I added to give it dimension. I can't believe that I forgot to post this page. My memory is just not what it use to be.

 I tossed and turned most of the night. I dread nights like these. It is like I never fall into sleep. Just a light cat nap. I am going to talk to my doctor and see about getting a sleep test done. I have been asked several times from other doctors and yesterday from my dentist if I ever had one done. I suppose that I should. My body is just not allowing me the real rest that I need. 

 Have I mentioned Cisco doesn't like clean? Yes of course I have, lots and lots of times, but his antics today has taken the cake. 
 I changed Cisco's bedding. It needed to be washed. I took his bed and even vacuumed it out. Made it all nice and fluffy. Put down some clean blankets for him. 
 He didn't like my special attention. He took each blanket out of his bed, drug it all over the floors and then went back to his bed. He crawled up under it and flipped it over and then he flopped it back down. Lay in it, rolled around and around and then went to Nathan's bed and drug his comforter into his bed. Scrunched it up really well and flopped in it. 
 Now imagine trying to get a queen sized comforter into his bed???? He did it. I am going to let Nathan deal with that when he gets home from work tonight. 

 The other night when the cold front came in, it was just really nice soft steady rain. That changed and fast. Our city was rocked with up to 5 inches in some place with rain fall. Streets flooded, power lines down, broken trees, and a small tornado. Let me tell you, that lightening and thunder was wicked. The entire apartment shook at one point. I was paying attention to the alerts in case we needed to take shelter in case of a tornado. We would have gone into my bathroom as it is an inside wall. But we never got a tornado alert. 
 Of course it was little to hardly any sleep all night for us. Cisco did really well during the course of the storm. He has worn his storm jacket several times but he didn't need it. I can't say the same for me. It was really scary. But this is normal for our area in the fall and spring so we have learned to pay attention to the skies and the alerts.

 Tomorrow is good Friday. For all that want to plant, Saturday is the day to plant in the south.  If you live in a place that Old Man Winter is still out there, you can start your seedlings inside a sheltered place. 
 I have some things I want to plant and put out that do not require a lot of sun. I have seeds for some herbs ready to go and the planting trays. I will just have to watch the night temps is all. I am sure that our cold spells are over for the year now. 

 Sorry this is so short but I have to do a few things, like get those addresses and phone numbers and get back on the phone. 
 Take care and have a great Good Friday and I will talk to you all soon.... BB

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A Cold And A Cold Front

Pages for my sister Linda for her planner. The kit I used is Enjoy The Moment. These kits came with my digital Program that I use. I use Craft Artist 2 and I looked for the name of the designer but I couldn't find one. Thank You for looking.

Good Evening,
 It is late by my time for blogging, but that is alright. I have a slight cold. Nothing major but it is leaving me not feeling my best today. I also stepped outside and our cold front has arrived too. How about that! 

 I haven't accomplished a thing today other than making this page for my sister and also the note paper to match. 
 While Miss Edna were in Florida we went over to Joanne's and had a look around. I was looking for some plastic sleeves and when I got to the front, I realized they were not the ones I was looking for so I put them back. But when Jonathan and I were over at Walgreen's the other day, I found my Binder and the right sleeves... I was so happy! 
 I will also be doing the other two for my grandson and granddaughter too. I just need to buy the stock card paper and that will be easy to come by. I have most of the pages for them done already. All I have to do is assemble them and ship them off. 
 My grandson Alex, his other grandmother (Mimi) is helping me with his. It will be a gift from both grandmother's to him. 

 It is 64 degrees out and raining. The rain is not coming down hard, but soft and steady. That is good news so the roads will not be flooded. At least here. I don't know about the rest of the city as I just looked at the radar for where we are at. 
 Cisco had to go out, but he was not a happy little guy lol. But he decided that he had better go on out and take care of his business.

 I am so very glad that he is feeling better. I did talk to the vet again and he said No more Apples and Carrots right now. He is not digesting fiber very well and we all know what extra fiber does for us. We want his stools to thicken and the fiber in the apples and carrots will keep his stools loose so he is on probiotics and his food. Nothing extra. He told me that in a few weeks I can try a small amount of carrots and apples but only like every other day. His food has all that he needs. 
 I know it is sad for me not to give him other treats, but he can still have his bones and he can have his food, so he will be ok. 

 My post tonight will not be a long one. I am ready for a shower and to lay back down. I haven't slept today so I have high hopes of sleeping well tonight. My nose gets all stuffy when I sleep so I am trying to stay propped up a little so I can breathe better. I really thought all these allergies were my problem but I realize it is a cold. Praise be it is not the Flu or anything like that. 

 Karyn and Jonathan both are having a tough time at work. Both of their bosses are having surgery. So it is the end of the month and both are being swamped with extra work. 
 I am glad that I don't have to do what they are having to do. It would drive me crazy. Karyn is working in the office tomorrow. Nathan and I will be home and I plan to try and spend some time with him. He isn't really into spending time with mom right now. He is too busy trying to relax.

 Matthew went home today to see family and friends. I would have liked to have gone but it is more important tomorrow to see my dentist so he can adjust my dentures. The right side rubs sores on my gums and inside of my cheek. He told me that I would have to have them adjusted as time goes on. I am still wearing them the 4 hours plus every day or until they hurt so bad I have to take them out. 

 Anyway I didn't go because I needed this appointment and my sister and her family are just coming off of bad colds and stuff as well. The baby had to go to the hospital because he was really sick and they had to hydrate him. They don't need more germs and I don't need their germs so staying home is the best thing right now.
 Nathan washed clothes the other night and the little yellow toy from Pogo got washed. Ohhh Boy... He did not like that at all. But he is getting all of Cisco's scent back on it. He does not like clean. He and I have this same issue every time his bedding get's washed, or mine for that matter. He has to make sure that he rolls around putting his scent back on to everything. He is funny to watch sometimes that I just crack up. He hid his little piggy under a couple of my pillows today. He had his eye on me and when I went to move my pillow he jumped from his place to my pillow so I couldn't move it. I asked him what he was doing and he rooted under the pillow and came out with his piggy. He was making sure it wasn't going to get washed. I had to laugh at that because it was just to funny. It is a shame that I cannot capture these moments on video. They happen to fast for me to even try.

 I know that it is early, but I am taking my medication and getting a shower and going to bed. Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone... Take care and I will talk to you soon..... Hugs... BB


Monday, March 26, 2018

Plastics And Other Stuff

Oh Goodness, I really love Facebook Memories. I found this one I had done in my memories section. I will try to find the original photo to add.

Good Morning,
 I hope that everyone had a great weekend. Mine was nice. Jonathan and I went to the library. Not to the one downtown because it was going to be a really crowded area with the Marches going on downtown. We also went to a different one because of the easy access in and out and agreed that we liked the one that we went to best because it has a bigger selection and also because it is in a better area of town. I put a couple of books on hold and I checked out a couple. We had some other things to do so we didn't stay a very long time but we did enjoy it. That was on Saturday. 
 Sunday was a laid back day. I just did a few things on the computer and got off. I spent the rest of my day just enjoying the time with my son and doing a few things in the house. Taking my time and lingering over a few things.
 A month or so ago I had received some coupons. I needed to go over to Walmart and pick up a few things and tissues was one of them. I had a coupon that if I bought 2 then the 3rd one was free. The cost difference was 40cents from the regular price so I looked at them and thought ok why not. I would get a free package and save .80 cents. 
 I regretted it... Not that the tissues were bad but the packaging. They were made out of this soft plastic. It looked cool at first and I thought... hmmm nice little invention. I put one in my bedroom, one in the bathroom and one in the main part of the house.
 They were okay until you started to get to the bottom and then you had to literally pick them up as a whole because they were so light I would end up tossing them someplace and have to go and get them. But worse than that I have been reading article's on how much plastic alone is ending up in our oceans, destroying our eco system and endangering marine life. Also there was a big article that spoke of the trash in the Pacific Ocean is twice the size of France. Or double the size of Texas and we are a huge state.
 I have always been one for recycling, and for using as much natural products and for things that are better for our planet. So I regret that even used that coupon. I will stay from now on with cardboard boxes of tissues! 

 I caught up with an old friend on Facebook a while back and sent him a friend request and what a blast he and I have had talking. He had sad news to share and I had to in turn share the sad news with some others. One of our friends passed away and another had been shot and is going to have to have his leg amputated but he is alive. It is still sad. We shared other things and he had a surprise for me and called me using the Facebook phone app so I could talk to a whole group of people as well. He is going to get a phone number for me so I can talk to another friend of mine. It will be a surprise. It is my best friend from Arkansas. Her husband is the one that passed away a few months ago. I hear that she is doing well and still working. She had retired a few years ago but got tired of having too much time on her hands and went back to work. Good for her. She always enjoyed working and still works at the same place. 

 The weather here is hot and muggy. I think that we are going to skip spring once again and jump right into summer, but we have a chance for rain later on in the week. Some of it can be severe tho and in our area we can see up to 3 inches or more. I don't mind the rain as we need some good rain but I am not looking forward to the severe threats of possible tornado's and too much rain at once as it can cause flooding. Not that we would be flooded because we live higher up but getting Nathan back and forth to work is not good and I will worry. The nights are to drop from the 70's back down into the 50's so I will most certainly enjoy that.

 Matthew had car trouble but it sorted it's self out. I just hope that it continues to run well. Karyn worked on a new resume for him and he has applied for a lot of jobs that are better paying. They are back for the railroad and as much as he didn't like to travel, it is important that he gets into something that has insurance and a decent wage. He has barely been making it this past year so I am hoping that things will turn out well for him there.

 Cisco is back to sleeping in my room. Right now he is in my bed. He wanted up with me so I put him in with me. The door is open so he can go in and out as he chooses. He is such a great fur friend. I love this dog to distraction. I know he loves me too and that makes us both enjoy each other even more.

 News is short, so I will try and find the original photo from my scrap page and share it. If I can't find it I will just leave you with a wish for a great beginning of the week.... 
 I have looked and it must be on my external.... I will come across it again... Take care to all... BB



Friday, March 23, 2018

Long Days And Nights

My grandson Alex when he was little... He loved this tea and his Mimi always gave it to him at night before bedtime. I drink it myself when I can find it. So glad that they came out with the tea for kids. This page was made using a free kit called Dreamland. The lady that designed the kit is no longer in business. Thank you for looking.

Good Afternoon,
 Just like my grandson Alex, I need something to help me rest and sleep but I won't be able to drink any tea until tonight!
 It has been super crazy on my end. That is one of the reasons I am so late in posting my blog today.
 Yesterday of course started of as a disaster as Cisco was so sick. And he didn't stop being sick until today. He is still not eating normally, but he is eating a bite here and there and that is good. 
 The medication seems to be working well so we are keeping our fingers crossed.
 But the mess..... OMGosh... it didn't stop. I got home from the doctor and I am not sure if Karyn came into my room to use the bathroom and didn't shut my door all the way or what. So back to square one.
 Then just after I got that cleaned Karyn was yelling at me from the main part of the house. "Mom Cisco is being sick again." So I had to hang up with the conversation I was having with one of my doctors I was trying to make an appointment with.
 We made sure that we kept a very close eye on him.  (And Doors Shut).
 Jonathan came home at lunch and gave him his medication and he seemed ok until Jonathan got off work. Last night and this morning was uneventful thankfully. 
 I put him in bed with me last night and we cuddled and played with his little piggy but he got down on his own and went to his bed in the living room. I shut the door and he never tried to get back into my room. I think that he knows he needs to be by the front door and Nathan stays up super late so he would have been able to get him outside in a hurry. Nathan said he slept all night. 

 I had my kidney appointment yesterday. I had been worried about that as my potassium had been very high. It is in a good stage right now, still a bit elevated but not dangerously high like it was earlier. 
 My white blood count was high and still high so I do have some kind of infection but he and my primary care doctor wants to see if it will leave on it's own. I have had way to many antibiotics this year not counting all I had last year and then again this year with the various flu and bronchitis and the boil that I had. So maybe this isn't all allergies as I thought it was. Maybe I caught a cold.

 The tests that I had were pretty good. I have a small kidney stone tho and they hope that it will pass and not grow. I will have to keep an eye on it but I am not surprised. I had one right before I went to Florida and it hurt like the dickens to pass but I did pass it. 

 The ultrasound did show a lot of scar tissue where they took my right kidney. That is where the pain is coming from. I will have to have it removed at some point but right now is not a good time to have it done. 
 I am supposed to talk to my pain management doctor and let her know so when the scar tissue is inflamed she can temporarily increase my pain medication if I need it. But I wont ask for more. I don't like taking pain medication if I don't have to, but I cannot take anything but Tylenol for break thru pain and only 2 a day and as sparingly as possible.  
 At least I can contact her if I have to, but knowing me I won't. I am already on a good pain management plan. It has helped a lot and for that I am grateful.

 I discussed my tiredness, my sleeping habits, and all I had written down to discuss with him.
 He said first of all high potassium makes me tired.  I complain all the time about being tired. Not normal tired, but just bone tired.
 Second of all is the medication that they are giving me to keep my heart rate down and the pressure down of the kidney. It is a very important medication because it protects the kidney.
 The morning one I take is to control my blood pressure and heart rate. If I do not take this my heart rate is very high. Even yesterday my heart rate was 127 and that was with the medication. That had a lot to do with my worrying about Cisco and trying to clean everything. I was stressed for sure.

 I told him that I am a night owl and he said that I have to find a balance. Great idea... I have been trying to find a balance. I don't know what it is. I take my meds after dinner at night so that they can start helping me relax but I don't. Even if I shut everything off at the same time every night, was in bed by say 9:00 pm and lights off, that does not mean that my mind shuts down. And I will also sleep a couple of hours and then wake up and be awake for hours. 
 I also just do not want to go to sleep at 9:00 or 10:00 pm. For me this is the time that I enjoy watching something on Netflix or tv. The reason being is that it is the time I am least disturbed and I am the type of person that if I get interrupted during a tv show or movie, it's over. I get so aggravated that I will just turn it off. 

 Last night I did go to bed early. I had dinner over and the dishes done by 7:00 pm and took my meds and my shower and had a cup of my chamomile and vanilla tea. I went to bed. I slept until 12:40 am.  Then I was totally awake. I decided that I was not getting up, but I finally had to go to the bathroom but I came straight back to bed. I tossed and turned but I did not get up. I did what he said to do. I had barely gone to sleep when I heard Jonathan get ready for work. I got back to sleep and slept until about 8:30 and just got up. I will repeat this schedule for the two weeks he has recommended. He said it might take my body that long to get use to it. So I hope so. 
 I turned my phone off as well and turned it face down so the light does not bother me. 

 Matthew came over this morning. He has an important email that he had to fax to a business but could not get into his email account. He keeps getting locked out over and over on emails and on Facebook. 
 I worked on that for ages, going round and round with Gmail and Google. UGH.... But he had to get the email printed and faxed today. It is about his car so very important.
 He finally talked the girl that was handling his car and she told him to go to Office Max where she would fax them the paper work, he would sign it and fax it back to her. 
 Now this sounds just to darn easy.... But I believe in Miracles.... 
 I also set him up another email account and I have all of his information written down so I know what is what. 
 But do you know that it is not as simple to set up an email account anymore. You have to have a secondary account to confirm the new account and your screwed sometimes if you cannot get into your original account to click on the confirmation for the new account! Good Grief.
 My ex boyfriend had surgery and I don't know how it went. He has no family and I don't have a way to get in touch with him at the present time. I am sending an email and hope that he gets it.
 Even tho we are not a couple anymore it feels like we are in so many ways. We stay in regular contact. After years together it is hard to let go when you truly love someone. 
 I tried the dating thing after we parted but it was not for me. No sparks, all DUDS and I just wasn't interested enough I think and I still am not interested. I don't think I ever will want to go down that road again anyway.

 Thank you for stopping by. I hope that everyone has a fantastic weekend. I am going to the library tomorrow and I have a couple of books to add to my reading list to put on hold. They are new releases so I know that I won't be able to get them anytime soon but I have a Nora Robert's book I want to read. 

 Take care everyone... BB



Thursday, March 22, 2018

One Nightmare Over, But Still Sad Ending

Nope this isn't mine. I got it off of Pinterest several months ago. I just don't have anything new to share right now.

 Good Morning,
 It is 8:30 a.m. and I wanted to get my blog done as I have to see the kidney specialist today at 11:00 so I still have to shower and dress. I am nervous about this appointment. 

 I have good news and bad news.... The serial Austin Bomber has been caught!!! But as they closed in on him he detonated a device in his car and blew himself up. A SWAT team member did shoot once. I am not clear as to why he did that as they were trying to end this peacefully but I was not there so I am not sure why the officer decided to fire. I do know that he is been taken off duty due to protocol for an internal  investigation into the matter. But they said that the man sustained extensive damage and are not clear if he was ever hit before he detonated the bomb. We will probably never know.

 We also do not know since this was the 7th bomb explosion if there are more out there just waiting to be detonated.  So we are still being cautioned to report anything suspicious.

 Our office decided to send out this notice the day before or the day of the suspect being discovered.

 I cannot say that I blame them for taking this precaution, but right now it is still important to remain safe as he could have sent the packages elsewhere that have not arrived yet.

 So if we have a package in the mail, they will put in a pink slip into our mailbox and we will have to go to the Post Office to pick it up. I am sure that in a few months they will start accepting packages again. Or at least that is what I have been told.

 One of the really scary things is that the first bomb went off less than a mile from me. It was actually done in a triangle. The weird thing is that the man was from Pflugerville, he was killed in Round Rock, and we live right close to the two cities on the outskirts but still Austin address. 
 His family is devastated in knowing that he could do something like this. I understand all of that because I cannot imagine anyone in my family doing something like this either. 
 I feel more sorry for the victims and their families at the moment tho. One of the bombs went off close to where my daughter works when she is in the office and another close to where my son works in the upscale neighborhoods so this has been random it looks like. 
 There were 2 other bombs that detonated at a Fed Ex distribution center and another that was intercepted. These packages were addressed to people and they all have had no connection to each other.
 A lot of questions. Did he just go thru the phone book and pick out certain people?
 Did he perhaps come across them in someway that might have triggered this kind of response. The question why will never be answered. But perhaps this is all of them and we will be able to breathe a sigh of relief but I know that it will take a long time.

 We had a serial rapist in the apartment complex next to us when I first moved to Austin. Everyone was on edge. I couldn't even take Cisco out at night alone. The boys did. They wanted me to sit on the back patio instead of the front so they could hear me if anything were to happen. They caught him just as he was fixing to rape another woman. No one has forgotten that as of yet and it has been almost 5 years. So it is going to take a long long time for us to get over this. It is going to be longer and harder for the victims and families and tragically for the family of the suspect as well. So sad for all.

 Speaking of Cisco.... He is not allowed to sleep in my room at night anymore. He is having stomach issues and my house smells horrible. We have windows open and have done all we can, but he has had diarrhea 3 times in the last month.
 While I was in Florida Jonathan carried him to the vet who gave him some probiotics. Jonathan said that they helped and then yet this morning Karyn came in and it was everywhere, from my room to the front door. He tried to get out.
 The rest of the house could be mopped but my room will have to be steam cleaned again. It is horrible. We have done all we can, now just have to have the steam cleaning company come in and take care of it. I told the kids we have to invest in a steam cleaner. The smaller ones are not that expensive.
 So we agreed that he can be with me for a while before bed time and then at night we will put him in the main part of the house and close my door completely.
 I thought that something was up yesterday as he didn't want his bones or his food. He ate just a little but then slept most of the day. He is almost 15 so it is becoming a time of worry for us.

 I have a new phone. Problem is I have to go thru my contacts and get all of my phone numbers because I couldn't get them to Bump over. Karyn tried, Jonathan tried. So at this point we are just going to have to do it manually. I also have a new phone number. In a way I am happy about that as I was having calls from people that I really don't care to hear from anymore. Even if I deleted or blocked them, when my phone updated they would reappear. So now I can only add who I need or want to. (I hope)....

 Ok so it is after 9:00 so I have to get busy because they are going to be here picking me up soon.... Hugs to all and have a great day... BB 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Doctors UGGGH

 This was a photo of my granddaughter Cathy. I took it into a program and sketched it then took it into another program and this is what came about. I wanted to work on my sister's Day Planner today but I have so much to do, I decided to add something a bit different. 

Good Day,
 Well I just got off of the phone with my podiatrist office who has just informed me that my podiatrist is no longer accepting my insurance and I am going to be referred to another podiatrist. I am waiting for her to call me back with that information and I wish she would hurry up because I need to call the transportation company and cancel my reservation and I only have 24 hours to do it. I have missed that dead line but they will still be able to use that space for someone else. 
 Well I took a chance and called the transportation provider and canceled the appointment for tomorrow. Whew one down and now we will see what this woman says when she calls me back. IF she calls me back. I get nervous when they say Let Me Call You Back lol.
 I was really needing this appointment because I have some funny looking little red dots that look like blisters but they are not on a couple of my toes. I did get new shoes so that may have caused them but they really need to be looked at.

 So it is cool outside today. 62 degrees F and we are supposed to get down to 50 degrees F tonight. We have turned the A/C off and have a few windows open to air out the house. It has been really muggy here but at least it is a cool day today. 
 And I do believe that it is the first day of SPRING!  Happy Spring Equinox everyone.... 
 I haven't really talked about this on my blog but I am going to be taking an online course on the Elements. Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. I am just waiting for my books to come in the mail. I have been doing the online answer sheets for other subjects so it is interesting for me. 
 I received a book for my birthday from Miss Edna by Anastasia Greywolf and it has been beneficial. Some of the things in it are not practical for todays time but oh it is interesting to read.
 Anyway I wanted to share this....

I am still waiting for the office to call me back. They will probably call me back this afternoon when I am at my other doctor appointment. My son Jonathan is going to take me to that one. I didn't have enough time to schedule that one with the ride transportation so he is going to take me today but the others are already scheduled so he doesn't have to take off work.

 I guess I better go and get my shower and get something to eat as it is lunch time. I am already wishing that this appointment was over.

 Have a great day everyone... BB

Monday, March 19, 2018

Here And There And Back Again

This page was created with a kit called Gentle Love by my friend Rosie given to the members of our scrapping group.

Good Afternoon,
 I have had a busy morning today then this afternoon I had an appointment for lab work. Wouldn't you know that I would get a new girl that was just learning to stick people!!!
 But she did great considering she is new to this. She did have to call someone more experienced in to help her navigate my veins to find a good one, but once she found it, it went pretty smooth. I was in and out in 15 minutes and my driver waited on me so I was lucky there.

 Cisco and I had Pizza for lunch.... He actually had more than I did. As hungry as I was, I just couldn't eat all 3 slices so he got a slice and my crust too. I have a very happy dog now who is laying in his bed snoring away.

 Ragweed and pollen is very high here. I have been sneezing my head off, and my eyes are all itchy and red and my nose is in love with my Kleenex tissues. I looked it up on the internet to see what we are in store for next. Not happy but it is spring. I have some pictures to share. You can see what is giving me allergies and did I mention the headache? Yes I have one of those too.

It is very pretty to see the Crepe Myrtles blooming, but the pollen is wicked...

See that tree behind the garages? That is just starting to bloom and blowing right over to my building.

This tree hasn't started blooming yet. In fact it only has very tiny nubs on it. This is the apartment building right next to my door and patio. It is the lack of sun on this side of the building that makes these trees and everything else planted not bloom very well because we are on the shady side.

Karyn and Joe loved their lime and orange trees. Joe is researching the best kind of plant food for them. They were very excited to get them and I had an extra pot and I gave it to them the other day. 

 Tomorrow I have to see my Rheumatologist and the next day my foot doctor and the next day my kidney doctor and then I think that I am ok until the 28th and then I will have more to schedule that are 3 and 6 month follow up's and my annual labs and physicals. Man when you have to see specialists, my insurance puts me thru the hoops. I was told today that when I come in May 3rd I will be given my referrals to get my mammogram done... Wonderful. At least that appointment is usually a quick one. But I need to have it done. Something happened back in October and for some reason I didn't get it so I will have it in May. I try to schedule that one and my well woman's exam in October because it is Breast Cancer awareness month but for some reason I didn't get either of them. I am sure that I am the one that forgot about it. My memory is not as good lately as it use to be.

 Jon will be home soon and I am going to have my shower and then go to bed early and watch some tv. Probably catch up on Dateline and if I am lucky I might get to watch the last part of Haven. I want to finish it before I start on The Crown season 2. Karyn beat me to it and said it was wonderful. She watched the entire season one weekend. I loved the first one. It was really awesome. But I love anything that has to do with the Royal Family. 

 Sorry my post is short today. Not much happening except the wind and it is hot outside. Spring is going to be here shortly but already it feels like summer. At least we don't have the wild fires that Australia is dealing with right now. 
 Oh I almost forgot to tell you that Austin has now had 4 bombings... We now have a serial bomber in our city. This time he struck two guys riding their bicycles in a neighborhood and they rode over a trip wire. They said he is getting more bold and his skills are improving. So our mayor and city officials are warning us to be more vigilant and if we are suspicious about anything do not try and second guess. Do I call the police or not? What if it is nothing and I am taking them away from something important and this call was nothing. They said to call. Don't doubt yourself if you see anything at all that looks out of place or looks like it might be a suspicious package. This sure scares me because right now we have a huge festival going on and I am so fearful that someone else might get hurt. One person died, the other 2 are critical and the 2 men on the bicycles are expected to fully recover. So scary...

 This is it for me today... take care and be safe and watch out for one another... BB

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Edna Is Flying Home Today

 This layout is done with a mixture of free kits when I first started doing pages. 

Hello and Happy Sunday!
 Miss Edna is probably in the air by now heading back home. I wish her a very safe flight and really hope that the weather will be decent when she gets back home.

 I had a good flight home. I was the first to board, I found my seat and as soon as my seat mates arrived I thought that I would watch a movie or play a game or something. Instead I closed my eyes. I vaguely remember the plane lifting into the air. I woke up as we hit the run way when we landed. Whew I needed that nap. I was so restless the night before afraid that I would over sleep and thanks to Edna, she woke me up as the wake up call feature did not work for us. Thank you Miss Edna.

 Matthew my son picked me up curbside. Let me tell you DFW was a nightmare. But the International ones are usually big and confusing. This one was for me but thankfully I had an attendant both ways that truly helped me out a lot. 
 The traffic home was horrible. Between the road construction and the drivers that didn't know how to use signals we certainly had our Guardian Angles looking after us. 
 I was so glad to be home after that drive. But the good thing is that these trips give Matthew and I quality time to spend together. It is really amazing to be able to spend time with our kids no matter where we are.

 Cisco was confused when I walked thru the door. He didn't know if he wanted to crawl into my lap or if he just wanted to keep an eye on me and the front door.  But things are better now. He will actually let me walk out of the room without beating me to the door lol.

 The first thing that I noticed when I walked out into the Texas sunshine was the humidity. It was so thick I could have cut it with a knife. But it is really a small world. 
 The young man waiting with me outside was going to Stephenville. I was like "No Way" and he knew my  niece and great nephew! They have lived there for years and years and years. Stephenville Funeral Home was where my brother was at. It has almost been a year now since he passed. April 20th. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone because it still feels so sudden to me. 

 I have a lot of things to do today. I emptied out my suitcase and put a few things up, but still so much I need to organize. This is the first time I have even turned on the computer. I didn't realize how such a short flight and drive home could tire me out so much but it did. 

 I have some great memories of Florida. The days just went by so fast but all were fantastic. I long for the cooler temps in Florida that we don't have here. It is just 10:30 a.m. and already it is 81 F and 67% humidity. It rained for about a half hour last night. 
 Joe and Karyn stopped by on their way to the store and brought me dinner. We talked for a little while and then I gave them a pot for one of their trees. They picked it up on their way back from the store and Karyn said that the skies opened up on them lol. 
 I had no idea. I ate my dinner and fell right to sleep. A couple of hours later Matthew called and said "Mom where are you"? I said sleeping. He asked me to unlock the door. He also brought me dinner but I told him I had already had dinner so he ate it. It was a free meal. He had a ride that ordered food and then they didn't want it. So when he called in to report the no show, he was told well you just got paid and a free meal. Enjoy it. He didn't stay long as his phone went off for another ride.
 It is South by Southwest here this week and he has been running his butt off with rides. He was going to work a few more hours and then he was going to shut his app off and go home and go to sleep. I did the same. 
 Cisco went to bed with me but he got down and into his bed. I felt him get down and I just rolled over and went back to sleep.

 Karyn is wanting me to come to dinner. She has new furniture. She wants to show it off and I can't blame her. Her friend just moved and couldn't move everything so she gave most of it to Karyn except the sofa. Karyn is buying that, but she got a table and chairs, a bistro style, a microwave, a coffee table, and a TV. I know that she was happy to get that as the one she had went out a few weeks ago. Some other things as well. I am not sure when I will go for dinner. 
 Today is laundry day for sure. I didn't get my bedding washed or my towels and some of my clothes, plus I have some from Florida that need to be washed as well.

 I will share a few things that I got from the internet then I am going to see about starting on my day.

I have heard this all of my life and so glad that it is a myth.

I just love this one....

And finally..... this is really sooooooooo true... lol

Stay safe and have an awesome Sunday..... BB

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Florida Went By To Fast

Good Morning,
 It is my last day here in Florida. I will miss it so much. I have had a most wonderful time and I will miss being here a lot. I can see why people retire to this gorgeous state with it's awesome weather, sun rises and sunsets and lots of wildlife and natural habitat. It is so beautiful.
 The azalea's above is from the unit next to us. Aren't they just gorgeous? So many things still in bloom, and lots more that have already bloomed. I am just thankful to be able to see them.

 I have been slowly packing. My flight home is tomorrow. I have to meet the airport shuttle at 3:15 a.m. so it going to be an early night for me and a very early morning as well. It is going to be bittersweet. I want to stay and keep visiting Miss Edna but I also want to see my kids and my baby boy. I have heard that Cisco has been missing his mama and that he has moped around the house looking for me. Awww.

 Miss Edna showed me a website and I would like to share this with you. His name is Sean Dietrich. His blog is called Sean Of The South. 
 If you enjoy short inspirational stories then this is a great site to read and you can get a short story everyday into your email. Oh and make sure that you go to the archives. I spent awhile last night enjoying his stories. They are great and heartwarming.

 I didn't take any pictures of the building that they have been building because they must be working on the other side right now so not much to share and also I am having some problems with my email. I took pictures of my present to my little granddaughter. It is a purse of Minnie Mouse. She is 3 and will love it. I looked for a Minnie Mouse post card to send to her but all I could find was Tinker Bell. She will love that as well, but I really wanted to share these photos on my blog today but I have no idea what is going on with my email or my messenger. I can't even send it to myself on FB either. Hmm not sure what is going on.

 It looks like we will be leaving a bit of food here because we haven't eaten as much of it as we thought. Of course I packed some things to take home. Some popcorn and lovely tea that Miss Edna gave to me.

 I am going for now. Edna and I are getting dressed and getting out of here for a little while... Take care to everyone and stay safe... BB

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

A Chilly Day In Fla Fla

Life Is Sweet.... 

 Good Morning, 
 It is still morning but not for long. It has been a rather chilly morning. According to the weather app on my phone we are supposed to get up to 70F today. It was really chilly last night. We got down to 44F and the wind was very strong. It is still blowing but not like yesterday and last night.
 Praise be we are not in the Northeast where they are in Blizzard conditions. Miss Edna's home is covered in a lot of white wet stuff. I really hope that it is all gone before she fly's out on Sunday Morning. Last year was a nightmare for her. 
 Not only was she sick, her plane was delayed and it was a hard time for her and she got home late. I really hope that the trip back home will be a lot better for her, especially the weather.

 Crossing our fingers but neither one of us got sick this year. That is really good for the both of us because last year Miss Edna was very sick and the day that I left I slept on the plane, felt fine. My daughter Karyn picked me up and she and I dropped off my bags and went to lunch. When she dropped me off at home I suddenly felt really sick and was sick for weeks. Oh how horrible. Edna ended up in the hospital with Pneumonia and I don't remember what I had. Flu probably but we were both sick and it has taken a year, I swear a year for both of us to feel better.

 House keeping came yesterday and it was really nice to go into my nice clean room.....

 My daughter said, "Take pictures mom, I want to see your room." So here you go Karyn.
 I totally love crawling in between nice clean and crisp sheets. It is a great feeling.

 Last night I watched Criminal Minds. I shut my phone off and just watched tv until I got sleepy and then I had drank so much water yesterday I was up running to the bathroom. I had a glass of orange juice before bed and Ohhh it hurt my stomach. I had an old familiar burning in the top of my stomach. I took one of my antacid pills and relief was fast and I slept really well. Edna woke me up this morning and we are now eating spinach pizza and it is so good.

We had a heavy rain come thru yesterday and it lasted a while. It finally tapered off to a soft rain, and then the winds came. Hard! But it was nice to watch the rain. I love rain, the sound of it, and knowing that it does the wildlife and flowers and grass good. 

Edna gave me a website to go and check out so I am going to go for now. Have a fantastic day! BB

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Happy Sunday From Florida

Good Morning,
 At least for another 50 minutes then it will be afternoon here in gorgeous Kissimmee Florida.
 I haven't blogged much because I have just been busy. Doing what is the question... Watching tv, hanging out, going to some flea markets, and hanging out some more, and just enjoying the days.
 I leave for home on Friday. The time is flying by for another year. 
 We had a small thunderstorm last night. It didn't last long but it sounds so awesome hitting the metal awning. I could lay in bed and listen to it as I watched tv and played a game of mine. I play words with friends and City Island 3 and Paradise Island. They are all on my tablet. The one game I play I cannot connect to. I think that it must be the internet here. But that is ok. I keep in contact with my co-op by messenger.

 No new scrap pages right now. This one is of my grandchildren. They are in California now and I am amazed at how much they have grown since I did this scrap page. I miss the little stinkers. I sent them a post card. I wish that I could send each of them a little gift, but there is just no way since I have limited funds and it cost so much to ship anything to anywhere.

 Today is laundry day for me. It is seriously not one of my favorite things to do but what can I say. It has come time to get some clean clothes. I did not pack too many clothes because I over packed last year so I only brought clothes for 5 days and wouldn't you know it, I forgot to pack my nighties. So I had to buy a few which was fine with me. I wanted some new ones anyway.

 So I mentioned that they were building something and it cuts out a lot of the fireworks.
 This is a photo that I took the day after I got here I think. It might have been taken on Sunday but I think that it was on Monday. I have been watching the progress.

You will have to click on it because I cropped some of it. The next one shows a little more work from this week... 

 It is amazing even tho you really can't see as much progress in the photos as you can in person but it is amazing how they do these walls. 

 Time to go... I will be back as soon as I have something to share. Have an awesome day to all.... BB

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Happy Wednesday From Kissimmee Florida

My little granddaughter Cathy made with Spring in Mind....

 Wow last night as I was getting ready for bed it was really awesome to listen to the rain storm that came thru. It was really nice. Right outside of my room is a metal awning and hearing the rain hit the metal was very soothing to me. We didn't have a lot of thunder but we did have a few flashes of lightening. I enjoyed that as well.

Last year Edna and Audrey and I could step right outside the condo front door and could watch the gorgeous fireworks.... This is not the case this year... Here is what we get to see now....

They are building either a new condo or hotel or something over there. The fireworks just barely top the roof tops of the buildings. I did see one that went up pretty high and it was really pretty, but most of them are just small flashes. This is a bit sad, but it is what it is in the name of progress.

But on the other hand, look at these beauties.

 The top is from the apartment next to us and the bottom is from the unit to the right of us as well as the hibiscus that are blooming right around the corner. Some are not in bloom just yet but will be later this afternoon or in the morning.

And these ferns are so pretty. The pictures do not do the landscape justice. It is so pretty here.

The ferns are mixed in with the greenery out front. It is going to be a beautiful day today. We are heading into the mid 70's today. 

 Miss Edna is taking a nap along with Pogo so I think that I am going to go upstairs and read for a little while.

 Talk to you later... BB

Less Drama

  My son and daughter in Arizona.... Howling at the Moon....   Hello,  I have been pretty busy with doctor appointments but I seem to have a...