Sunday, July 21, 2019

What A Strange Day

My grandson Damien. Kit is called Celtic Dream from my friend Rosie in a private group.

 I have been fighting to keep my eyes open all day. I even cooked dinner at 4:00pm this afternoon so I didn't have to do it later on. I was for some reason just so tired.
 After I did that I told Jonathan I was going to go lay down and I fell asleep.
 When I awoke I thought that it was a new day. I thought oh, it is really early. Nope it was still Sunday. 8:30pm. I cannot believe that I thought that it was a new day. 
 Especially when I seen Nathan watching tv. I said "Your up early" and he just gave me a funny look. Then I took Foxy out and the heat slapped me in the face. I thought oh another hot day. I retrieved my phone to check my messages and seen it was still Sunday haha.

 I made this scrap page of my sweet grandson Damien. He is just so sweet. I just love those full lips and he has the most gorgeous eyes and thick eye lashes. 
 He is a good baby. He knows when to ask for something and if we say "Don't touch" he knows and leaves things alone. He doesn't meddle much and he is really loving. 
 Of all of my grandbabies at this age, Damien is the best one of all. At least from what I have seen. His mom and dad might disagree lol.

 My daughter and her family left Friday night for San Antonio. We haven't heard from them since Friday night. I really hope that they are doing alright. I think of them all the time. Laurie has never been one to keep in touch but she should have at least called me or something. Oh well.

 I am still rather tired. I have tried a cup of chamomile tea to help me sleep when I go back to bed. I will not be up late tonight. I just wanted to stop in so I could do my blog because my eye sight is better today. I don't have to squint to see what I am doing. 
 My eyes are watering a lot. It is normal when I have the eye injection and I told my eye specialist the other day I was having issues with my eyes watering and he said that the allergies are not helping at all and said that is probably what it was. I suppose that he is right since I have a runny nose to go along with it and I have been sneezing too.

 Oh we had the most beautiful moon the other night. It was a deep yellow/orange. Funny thing tho, I just had the eye injection and it looked like a large egg ha! All of the lights, the street lights, store lights even our porch light looked like eggs.
 Thankfully my eyes are much better tonight and although there is no moon, all the lights look normal. Thankfully.

 I have some studying to do tonight so I shall let you go so I can get to it. Then I am going to bed. Sweet dreams to all... Take care of yourself..

 Oh Padddington thank you for stopping by my blog. I am sorry I couldn't reply to your comment. For some reason I don't have a reply button. I will talk to you soon. 
 Love and Light to all and to all a good night.... BB


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