Saturday, January 27, 2018

A Little Rain

Kit designed by and Freebie by Rosie H to members only.

Hello and Good Afternoon,
 I hope that all are well today. We are getting a little rain here today. Not a hard rain but soft and sweet. We have needed it because we are getting a little dry.
 This past hot summer has taken a toll on our lakes and dams and we are in need of more rain so every drop counts. 
 I would love to have a huge thunderstorm come in and drench us for 3 or 4 days. Not just for me, but I would love to charge my Crystals and make some storm water etc. but the animals and plants need water too.

 Edna spent a very frustrating hour to help me make links. It is hard on the phone when we cannot see what the other is doing. I am sorry for sending your blood pressure thru the roof today Edna.

 I had a visitor this morning. Foxy came to see me. She greeted me like a bullet, racing thru the front door straight into my room and into my bed. Her wet little body and wet kisses. Of course it was just fine with me. She knows her Human NaNa loves her. 

This is Miss Foxy and I on a weekend morning a few months ago. 

 I have had lunch and when I went to take my insulin I found my night meds on the sink counter. Obviously last night when I took my insulin I forgot to take my meds.  I have never done that before. I put them on the right side of the sink when I got them out instead of the left side. I spilled some water there and said I will clean it up in a minute and so put them on the wrong side of the sink. 
 My memory is getting bad these days. I seem to forget easily things that I always remembered. Maybe it is my medication or maybe it is my age. Regardless I slept well even tho I had forgotten my medication.

 I have a couple of blog cuties to share with you from the internet so I hope that they bring a chuckle. 

 These last one is from a site that I love but forgot about, but came across it on Facebook the other day in my memories from 4 years ago. 

  This is it for me today. I need to get a shower and catch up on a few things then I want to work on some more pages. Have an awesome day. Take care of yourself... BB


  1. Good morning Beth. No need to apologize. I need to learn more patience. You new pages are lovely. Goodness, Foxy is such a cutie pie. You are so lucky. Two doggies to love you!

    It's wet and gray here today. No problem though. We can always use a bit of rain for our ponds and reservoirs. They haven't been full for a few years now.

    Today I'm going to start a yarn basket. It's a bird suet holder that one fills with small scraps of yarn. You hang it outside and the birds take the yarn for their nests.

    Pogo and I are trying to decide whether or not we want to go today. It's a nice lazy day and we are feeling quite lazy.

    It's halfway between breakfast and lunch time. We did not eat breakfast this morning so maybe we'll wait and have lunch. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

    Now I'm of finish my morning blog reading. Pogo sends woofs and hugs to Cisco and Roxie. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Edna,
      I love the idea of your yarn basket. I have read that before and seen pictures of it. I also read that when you clean out your hair brush that you can toss it onto the ground or add to your basket. Birds love hair because it is strong for their nests so when I clean out my brushes I just toss it to the wind so to speak, out side so the birds can find it. I have lots and lots of hair daily.

      Thank you for liking my pages. I really am having fun with this project. It helps to have new kits to work with... Oh the ideas lol...

      Foxy is a sweetie. She is a lover. She enjoys cuddling and she will go from one to all of us for cuddles. We call her needy lol.

      You have a super day! Enjoy your lunch... Hugs xxxx Beth and Cisco. He is sleeping right now. lol


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