Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Bits And Bobs And A Change

 Hello Everyone,

 I didn't like my page that I posted for my sister's day planner yesterday as it didn't save properly and when I reviewed my blog I noticed a lot was missing, like the red berries, the snow the bunny was sitting on and a couple of more things, so apparently it did not save properly so I redid it. 
 This is the new cover page for January.

This next page is a grid for the first page......

 I will have to make 5 of these pages in case next year there is 5 weeks in the month instead of 4.  Of course I can always make an extra page and send to her to add as that is what I will be doing, but so far this grid will work fine and give her a couple of extra boxes to add things in if she needs to. 
 I also had to leave some room for the hole punch for the binder so I moved it over. The good thing about this is I can use this grid as I found it in a kit that I had. Simple and basic. 

The next is a paper that she can jot down things on. I will be adding quiet a few of these stationary type papers. 

 Once again I left room for the hole punch. These last 2 will not go into sleeves. I will send her extra in case she wants to put them in to protect them if she needs to look back on something, but it would be a hassle to have to take this kind of page out to write something important on it. The same with the grid.

 Next I will work on the back side of the cover photo for the month of January.  She is a religious person so I will look for something spiritual and inspirational for her. 

 Well we didn't get the dreaded rain and ice that we were supposed to get but that can change. It depends on which way the storm coming in turns if it comes in later on today. If it comes down and this far south then we will get it but right now the sun is shining and it is 43 degrees and no wind. 

 My daughter Karyn got into DFW just fine but was stuck there for 2 and a half hours as the plane had to be de-iced. She got in around 6:30 pm last night. She stopped by for a few minutes. Today she and Jonathan are back at it hard at work.

 So I planned to go to bed really early last night. I put on a documentary on Netflix and was just about to fall asleep when my son Matthew stopped in. He owed Jonathan some money so he came to pay him and see me. So I was awake and I mean really awake. It was almost 5 am this morning before I could fall into a good sleep. I left a note on my door for Karyn to wake me up around 10 or 10:30 and she did. I got up and made my coffee but wow I am feeling rather sleepy. I am not laying down tho. Not right now. I have to clean the kitchen, pay a couple of bills and do some work in my room and bath. One or the other. 
 My bedside lamp bulb went out last night so I moved it to my bathroom for now. I have another bulb, but that lamp got so hot using it I decided that I will get one of those dim light bulbs to put in it and use it as a night light.
 So I cleaned off my night stand and put the reading lamp Matthew got me for Christmas in the corner. It makes such a difference. If my room was bigger I would have a reading chair and the lamp, but this works really nice.

 Well Karyn is about to take lunch and I want to visit with her while I have the chance. She will not get another break for a few hours so I will go for now and I will talk to you all again tomorrow or maybe I will blog tonight for tomorrow. It depends on if I have anything worthy to talk about. 

 Take care and be safe and be kind to one another.... BB


  1. I like your new January page much better. The weatherman says it will get up to 30 degrees tomorrow. Woo Hoo! We can all go outside in our undies and bathe in the falling snow. It will save on water, pink up our skin, and if you believe this, I know where there's a nice lake you might want to buy. hahahahaha.

    I think the wicked cold is making me giddy. You enjoy your forty something degrees. If you get tired of it, you can always send it our way. Pogo and I will gladly take it for you.

    Joe will be home soon, and Pogo is waiting for his turkey treat. After he has that, I'll give you a call. Meanwhile, give Cisco lots of hugs from us and have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Edna I would send you my weather if I could. I will worry about you until it's over, but I really shouldn't worry as your a seasoned New Englander.
      Yes i like the new page better too. I had forgotten that a friend of mine made a mini kit. Most of the things are my style but all I needed was the grid from the kit.
      Making the stationary paper was not as easy as I thought it would be.
      Cisco sends love to you and Pogo. I send hear hugs for you both. I cannot wait until I can see you both again. Come on Florida. Xxx

  2. I like the new January layout better as well this one is really nice shame the other one didnt save as it should, the notpaper is very pretty as well
    Shame your early night got disturbed things never got to plan do they, x

    1. Hello, oh your very correct about things not going as planned but I am already in bed and will be drifting off to sleep soon.
      Thank you for liking the note paper. I had downloaded some from a free site but the lines were so tiny and close together so I just made my own. Right now my next step is to find something to go into the back side of the sleeve so I can concentrate on the note paper. I would like to get January finished so I can move on over to February. I will do some Valentine style stuff for that I am sure.
      I am nodding off so I will catch you later.
      Hugs to uou, xx Beth


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